

2021: A Year In Review

Hey Rebels! As the saying goes, “Out with the old and in with the new”. We are now down to our last moments of 2021, a year that may have been better than 2020, but could have been so much more in many ways. In my previous post, I shared...


Division Class Updates

9-30-20 As the Rebel Federation continues to add more Discord servers to our network, we need to be able to message community-wide updates that are visible to our network and especially to our growing Divisions. Typically, there’s a severe lack of official messaging done via the RF Blog, and there...


Twitch Emote Contest!

Over the past few months, the Rebel Federation has taken to the Twitch streaming platform as a way to promote community growth and bonding. As such, we in the RF Administration decided it would be best for you, the community we run the Twitch channel for, to help us take...